Congratulations that you have interest to join the Wendy Private School Community. It is a Privilege to have you in this school. As a Private institution we sustain the learning and teaching process through your support, both financially and socially. Be kindly informed that by registering your child in this school you agree by default that you are obliged to meet financial obligation of school fees - to be paid from January to December including Holidays. By signing this contract you are entering a 12 –month contract that needs diligent performance from your side and no defaulting. This is a pre-condition to be made clear to all parents and guardians of the learners enrolled at Wendy. Kindly note that the registration fee of N$ 200.00 is non Refundable.
NB: On every closing day of the term, a learner must be paid up for that month of closing school in order to get a school report.